Wednesday, July 30, 2008
I'm an Idiot!
"One of a Kind"
Peaches! Stop!
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
People Who Annoy the Shit Out of Me!
Quote of the Day!
Monday, July 28, 2008
Thursday, July 24, 2008
I've Moved. Yes, AGAIN. Shut up.
Ways to Make Money...
All Aboard the Kandy Kruise! Klassy!
Friday, July 18, 2008
Song of the Day/ Terribly Awkward
However, every legitimate place I looked, the video embedding had been disabled. So, I found this really sad, awkward home video TO the song. Some nerd ass and his co workers had some kind of "Department Party" and he added it to YouTube. I won't even comment. Just read what he wrote about it:
"This video was filmed by Pum (Achara) at our Annual Department Awards in year 2005. I did a special appearance on the floor by doing a dance to the beat of R.Kelly's " STEP IN THE NAME OF LOVE" song. All my staff danced with me in front of our hotel staff at the function. It was a very memomrable night for me. Hope you will like it too. The video quality is poor due to low light conditions.Kumar Ellawala"
This video is so much hotter than the original!
The Assistant with Andy Dick
The other excellent episode was the "Lie Detector" one.
Skip ahead to 6:23 for the good stuff.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Song of the Day
I'm not completely sold on the look of this video plus you have to wait until like 2 1/2 minutes into it to see the cool stuff. However, the landscapes blowing away are pretty fucking cool.
If youre a nerd and want to know how this look was acheived, go here:
Monday, July 14, 2008
Little Darlings...
Oh Shit. Failblog does it Again!
People Who Bore the Hell Out of Me.
Song of the Day
Sunday, July 13, 2008
I Want to Expand on JESUS CAMP
I was lucky. I had a LOT of fun at Jesus Camp (which included Non Denominational camp, Bible Based camp and even 7th Day Adventist camp = no meat and no guys with long hair allowed!). We had regular classes we would sign up for like Arts and Crafts and Horsemanship...I must have been a wannabe cowgirl back then because I always made sure to get into Horsemanship (wayyyyy past Horsemanship I), riflery and Leather making (well, whatever you call it when you burn patterns into leather. Jesus! I was practically a lesbian in camp!). Anyways. I had a great time. An old friend of mine got shipped off to Jesus Camp but since his family were totally non practicing Christians, it was kind of weird. His step mother was the one that would send them. His father was a doctor and he had had an affair with and then married one of his nurses. She was fucked up and would only eat popcorn and drink diet coke to stay skinny. I guess her daughter, Stephanie- I think it was- would do the same thing and was all anorexic. (How I wish I had the will power). Any who, this nurse would send my friend and his half brother to Jesus Camp and one day we were talking about how retarded it could be and he was like, "They always tried to get you on the LAST all week was fun and you talked about Jesus a little bit and they kind of talked to you about accepting him into your heart but it was ALL leading up to that LAST NIGHT." And he was totally right. I remember the last night of JC being sooooo dramatic. Girls were crying about what sluts they had been back at home and how they wanted to CHANGE now! Since I had been raised Christian I didn't really get what all the fuss was about but I "got it" in a way. The kids would sing songs with their arms around each other and be really morose and hopeful at the same time. Then the camp leader or one of the favorite (=hot) counselors would get up at the end and tell you how this was your last chance to "Accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior and be saved by the Blood of Christ". It seemed to me that for the non believers, you guys were FUCKED until next Summer so you'd better not die or it was straight to Hell for your ass. Too late for you!
My sister and I were both counselors at JC at one point. I know, right? The screening process must be jacked. However, I must say that at the time I wasn't quite the person I am now. I was much
I'm glad I went to Jesus Camp. I've got great stories and pictures...I just don't know if I'll send my own one day or just ship them off to day camp at the Y. MUCH safer!
One More "Film" Review ( take the word "film" lightly here...
Here's Kunty Cat's Oscar winning performance:
Song of the Day
How come all the good YouTube recordings have the most lame ass home made videos?? Sorry again...but a song that is perfection.
Greatest Opening Scene EVER in a Film
Things That Make Me Sick...
Things To Rent...
Also, Mazzy Lamb's twin is in this season so that made it worth my while. However, Mazzy is still cuter. 45 seconds into it is the best part so start at.
I also rented " I Know Who Killed Me". I have been wanting to watch this piece of shit for like 6 months but Gavin kept turning it down. Understandable. Now, although I am truly a Lohan fan I knew this thing had won about a thousand Razzies and needed to see what all the fuss was about. The critics were correct. It made no sense, was completely incoherent and made me laugh when I wasn't supposed to. I skipped the special feature of the "extended strip scene" but from the bit I did see, Lohan may have missed her true calling. I am not hating. She's good. But she needs more pole tricks. My favorite scene is when, after she has become a double amputee, she has a graphic, wild, explicit sex scene! It was amazing!!! (Although not as amazing as that first scene in Basic Instinct 2- If you haven't seen then you MUST rent.)
Remember, at this point she is missing half her arm and one of her legs from the knee down. She's still got it though! I love how she smokes afterwards with her "good" hand. HOT!
I did not stop there. I also rented "Blonde and Blonder" starring Pamela Anderson and Denise Richards. I was okay with the fact that Pamela Anderson cannot act because basically she was just supposed to play herself I guess as a dumb ho who wants to learn to fly. Denise put on a bit of a better performance, like I could tell she was at least TRYING to act. However, all I could think about was Sheen's "tranny infested sperm" and how he took like a chainsaw to their wedding photo. To tell you the truth I could only handle 10 minutes of this turd. So I can't really give any kind of review. It was ass. I didn't even get to this scene but it looked bad so I included it for you.
I continued to assault my brain/ eyes with BLONDE AMBITION. But you know what? It wasn't THAT bad. It was "watchable". Pizza, tequila and B-Relaxed Vitamin water helped...but still. not terrible. There seemed to be a lot of "favor" cameo's including that one guy from JACKASS with the nasty beard but whatever. Oh and Rachael Leigh Cook. What the eff happened to her??? Blonde Ambition, apparently.
Friday, July 11, 2008
MySpace "Model" of the Day
If you can handle her beauty go here:
Awesome People of the Day/ Trash Edition
WTF? Lies All Over The Place!!
You Lose!
I Don't Know How to Feel About This...
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Song of the Day
"The More You Ignore Me The Closer I Get"
My Dream Come True?
People Who Bore the Hell Out of Me.
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
MySpace "Model" of the Day
If you don't know then all you need to know is that this rare beauty is:
Tracy Marie Briare/ aka Bunkass Briare
When not impersonating Steven Tyler she can be found rapping about how much she loves being a slut, how lucky you are to get with a trannylicious shim like her and smoking weed.
Sorry Bitches...
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
What the Eff? Chipmunk Sounds...
Douche Party Photos of the Day!
Awesome Person of the Day
Save the Baby Monkeys from Dumb Bitches!!