Monday, October 27, 2008

It's Mazzy's 2nd Birfday!

Mazzy Lamb turns two today! Devastating!
In honor of his 2nd birfday I am posting the vid from 2 Christmases ago that my brother took. It's super boring to anyone outside my family...or even to anyone but me but it's my blog so suck a fat one if you don't like it. Also, it shows my sister acting retarded and she hates this vid so just concentrate on the pure puppy perfection that is Mazzy Lamb.
(Oh and he came with that awful name, Dax. Obviously its changed.)

1 comment:

  1. Dax. Wow, definitely not a Dax. But a mazzzzzzzzzzzzzzzy.

    Happy Birthday, you plant shitting-on cute monster!
