Monday, August 25, 2008

Dear Jesus!

I was just IMing my friend EJ when this story came to mind...
As I've complained about in this blog before, I had to go to Christian School. As much as I hated it at the time, it totally gave me miles and miles of material/ stories/ ruined my psyche...One of my favorite stories occurred during a Prayer Request. Before EACH class (7 classes a day = a little excessive) the teachers would take 'prayer requests'. One day before Science, this kind of slow girl, Sacha, raised her hand to share her request.
Sacha-"I have a request."
Teacher- "Go ahead."
Sacha closed her eyes and offered this:
"Dear Jesus, please don't let my sister's boyfriend do to me again what he did last night."
This was very awkward for everyone in the room. I don't even think the teacher ever did anything about it. Nice Christian school.
She should have been talking to the school nurse, not putting in a "Prayer Request." Shit.

1 comment:

  1. the real question is, did she end up in a nunnery or working somewhere slinging cocktails outside of reno?
