Wednesday, August 13, 2008

What the shit???? Unhealthy!

Okay, I have never understood why some rich people's kids eat total shit. Look at the picture above! Just look at it!!! Cheetos! Sunkist SODA!!! and fucking WHITE BREAD? Are you kidding me? I also notice that Britney has had the crust cut off of her own bread but not her children's! Good God. I used to nanny for this family who were fucking bajilliionaires and when they had to feel their children dinner the kids would get regular old pasta with BUTTER! My Hell? Of course when I was in charge of dinner it needed to have nutritional value (veggies/ fruits/ water, not juice for drink) or when the housekeeper got asked to make her enchiladas she had to make enough to last all GD week so the parents had to only heat it up for lunch and snacks (conVENient!) and she had to make it JUST SO. These people and Britney have more money than God and they could afford entirely organic meals. I don't get these lazy bitches. Plus, its not like they'll have to make the shit! That's what nannies and maids (= SLAVES) are for!

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