Wednesday, August 29, 2012


Take Jaclyn, now 23, who said she recently had to declare bankruptcy because of the money she spent as a contestant at an IMTA convention at the Hilton New York Towers three years ago. At the time, she was living in Cleveland and studying modeling at the Barbizon Schools of Modeling. Jaclyn said her agent at the local Stone Model and Talent Agency assured her she’d be a sure thing.

"The people at the agency told me that I was so awesome, that there was no possible way that I could come out of IMTA with nothing," she said. "And that this was the way my idol, Katie Holmes, got discovered. And then I didn’t get a single call-back. I was crushed, I cried my eyes out and locked myself in my hotel room afterwards. [IMTA officials] banged on my door and called security because they thought I was going to kill myself."

IMTA, ruining lives since 1987!

Friday, August 17, 2012


Can we talk about how hot Tupac was??
This photo is for my mother. She is in LOVE with a deceased man.


That's the word that comes to mind when I look at these two. Sexiest Man Alive? Really? Who says so? Blind bitches? His face is AWFUL. Also, Blake Lively looks like that dog that Barbie has.
They remind me of 2 marshmallows who got left in the sun.

sHe's Got The Look!

Can we talk about this outfit?
Oooofff! Did Corey Feldman get this on Santee Alley or Canal Street? Those are the only 2 places to come across such glamourous clothes.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Life is Shit Sometimes

My life has been a fucking roller coaster since the end of 2009. It has gotten better and worse. But usually, or more consistently, worse. I think that's why I stopped writing for so long. What the fuck did I have to write about anyways. When you're kind of depressed all the time (unemployed, gaining 30lbs of sad fat) you don't really give a shit about anything. When I was working in Los Angeles I was blogging a lot. Tons of shit was happening on a daily basis that gave me tons to write about/rant about/ bitch about. Then I left LA. Moved home for awhile. (Which is reason enough not to blog. You don't want to slip up and elude to LIVING AT HOME WITH YOUR MOTHER WHEN YOU ARE 31 YEARS OLD.) So I stopped. But tons of shit happened.
Right away my mom and I took care of my cousin's kid from May - October. My cousin is a piece of shit mom who got caught using drugs during her pregnancy and while in custody of her 4yr old daughter. She tested dirty for all kinds of amphetamines and pills and then got sent to some shit called Project Preemie and her 4yr old daughter was taken from her and given to my family. Dealing with CPS is a GD nightmare. I don't even need to go into what we all already know - they are understaffed, underpaid, overworked, bogged down, frustrated, etc. Half the time we didn't even get the checks we were supposed to use to clothe and feed my cousin's daughter. CPS neglected to update their paperwork so my cousin felt free to cash and KEEP one of the checks that mistakenly went to her even though WE HAD CUSTODY OF HER CHILD WHO THAT MONEY WAS FOR. Insane. The only mistake they made that was of any interest to me in a good way was when they slipped up and told me that my cousin's kid had been IN FOSTER CARE BEFORE and of course if you think my cousin was going to admit that...She also told us that they made a "mistake" when she tested dirty and she wasn't really on drugs and that the only reason they sent her to Project Preemie was because her baby daddy was physically abusive and they were only trying to protect her. Really? REALLY, bitch? You're a Goddamn bad liar is what you are.
I fell in love with that kid so fast. She was beautiful, funny, horrible, insanely smart, scared, sad, wild and beyond difficult. Her mother had neglected her so badly that she was wearing holey tights with no underwear when she was taken away and there were no other clothes to put on her. I guess when you pass out on Xanax and Ambien all day you don't have time for stupid shit like buying your kid clothes or GIVING THEM FOOD OR WATER. The 4yr old (who I will just refer to as "S" from now on) had issues with food and water because she didn't even have any sometimes. It took anywhere from 45 minutes to 3 hours to get her to sleep at night because she was terrified of the dark. After weeks of losing my patience and my MIND trying to get her to sleep, my mother finally realized that "S" thought we were leaving her alone each time we left the bedroom. Not like, just going in the TV room and watching TV, but leaving the house to party since that's what her mom did to her. She was left in apartments and hotel rooms by HERSELF at under 4yrs of age. We had to explain to her that we would NEVER do that to her and that we were just in the kitchen cleaning up or watching TV.
She started opening up to us pretty quickly. She was telling us stories about her mom and dad's drug use and physical abuse. Marijuana- "My mama says it's just medicine so it's okay!" and I'd shoot my mom a LOOK like, "What the FUCK?"
Ugh. She told us stories about her mom having sex in a hot tub with some dude. She told us about how her mom and dad took her to "the hotel 6" to go to Disneyland. At this "Hotel 6" her father "squeezed mama til her face was red! He was choking her!" and I believe a knife may have been involved. The stories kind of started to blend together. 4. Years. Old.
We got a social worker to start coming 1-2 times a week to do Play Therapy and stuff like that, but I will just go ahead and tell you this: It was too late. "S" was so fucked up that I think we (my mom and I) kind of knew early on that this was just a really bad situation and "S" was never going to recover. But we would go back and forth. When you are dealing with a kid that is difficult 80% of each and every day, ANY chance/sign of hope gets you super excited and you think progress is being made. Until you catch that kid literally trying to kill your dogs.
Animal abuse - we all know what THAT means. Future serial killer... probably. While we had "S" we also had 5 dogs in the house. A Yorkie, 2 pugs, a Chihuahua and a French Bulldog (mine). Now, I'm not sure WHY "S" chose to target my dog...but she did. The first time I new something BAD was up was when I let "S" play outside by herself (fully fenced yard with 7 foot high gates and a WINDOW I could see her out of) and I caught her punching my dog in the face. Slapping his body, face and head with her hands. I tore outside. "S!!!, get INSIDE NOWWWW!" She calmly stopped what she was doing but she wouldn't look at me. Whenever she was in trouble she would refuse to look at you, pretending she couldn't be more bored, and sometimes amused, by you. It was honestly infuriating. To not be able to get a reaction of empathy or recognition of bad behavior is INCREDIBLY frustrating. You want to know they FEEL something, feel BAD about something they have done. It is very disconcerting to have a towheaded, gorgeous 4yr old look at you with bemusement and smugly smile at you while you explain to them it is not okay to hurt anyone. We constantly tried to tie the situation back to her. "S, no one would treat you like that in this house and we would never let anyone hurt you in this house." But it did no good. How could she even begin to understand that when all that had ever happened to her WAS hurt, neglect, pain, fear, abuse...
I sat her down for a good long talk about why we never hurt animals. She seemed like she might be hearing me in a few of my sentences...and the rest of it? No. She had a 4 minute time out and then it was like nothing ever happened. She wanted to watch SpongeBob and eat cheese and crackers.
The very next day it got worse. I let her play outside again. I gave her a vague reminder about being "kind to everyone" and then let her out the front door. I ran to the window and peeked out the curtains. She walked quietly around the yard for maybe 5 minutes. I never took my eyes off of her, of course. You could never trust her to be out of your sight for 2 seconds. I knew I'd have to tell her to stop jumping off the top of something or to please stop "dancing sexy on the picnic table. Let's dance like we talked about with April!" (The social worker tried in vain to stop the sexy dancing but when your mother is a stripper who has a pole up in the very middle of your little apartment and dances on it like she's at the fucking strip club, you probably think that's normal and even FUN!)
At minute 6 "S" targeted my dog. It was hard to watch. I saw her walking slowly up to him and VERY slyly looking around for me. I saw her look at the windows in case I were watching but she couldn't see me. She lured him closer by putting her hand out flat, palm up, like you should do when approaching a dog. My dog, being trusting as dogs are, bounced up to "S" and waited right in front of her. She got down on her hands and knees and spoke sweetly to him. I felt uneasy. I looked at her hands to see if she had a sharp stick or anything...she didn't. But then she placed both of her little hands around his neck. She began to squeeze...and squeeze...and squeeze. She started squeezing so hard that her arms began to shake. It was probably the creepiest and definitely the saddest thing I have ever seen. This little girl had seen someone do this to her mother and now she was going to do it to my dog. I tore open the door and just said, "Inside. Now. You know what you did". I scared the shit out of her and I won't say I wasn't a little bit happy about that. At least it was a reaction to being caught! It was a feeling! Something! Anything! 
 She gave me a dirty look and took her sweet time getting into the house.
I sat her down and went into why we don't hurt animals or people, but it was useless. I knew it wasn't going to make a difference. I knew she couldn't wait until I shut up so she could flash a big smile at me and ask for a snack. Like nothing ever happened.
I think that's when I really let go? It was October already. I knew her mother was trying to jump through all the ridiculous waste-of-time hoops so she could get her daughter back. I knew that once my cousin got out of Project Preemie and then the shelter that followed that it was all going to be for nothing. I wasn't wrong. But I'm too tired to get into it.
To make a very long story short, I cut off all social contact with my cousin, but clearly expressed an interest in continuing to talk to "S", send gifts, etc. Just to be there in case she needed to call me, needed help, but clearly the logistics of all of that are ridic. She cant just call me up, you know. My cousin, in retaliation, for raising her daughter on my unemployment checks and keeping her safe while she was 'getting it together' (WTF?) cut off all contact and forbids me from seeing "S".
And that's just how it all happened. And I haven't blogged in over a year but I blogged about this. I think I needed to.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

My New Favorite Blog- "Hello Loca"

This chick's blog is friggin amazing. Her advice is amazing. Check her out.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Club Foxy!!!

Because I find snarky comments and poor spelling to be an amazing combination I am a HUGE fan of Nik Richie's site, That shit is hilarious. Once you become part of the "Dirty Army" (a daily visitor/ reader of the site) you start to figure out who is lying and who really, truly has the dirt on some slutty girl or douchey boy.

ANYWAYS, I recently saw some dude call a girl out for having been a prostitute at this place, Club Foxy, in Guam. Apparently the girl who was put "on blast" tries to convince everyone in her hometown that she is a good girl but this dude had pics of this chick working sticks at CF.

This place is AWESOME! They will fly you in, give you a place to stay and you only have to have sex with strangers! They will even help you save your ho money if you aren't really good with your own finances.

Seriously though, this place looks nasty and it looks like all you end up doing is exchanging sex for money from old divorced dudes who are going through some kind of midlife crisis. I picture 18- early 20's chicks squeezing their eyes shut to get through their first time being a hooker. DEPRESSING.


One of the Reasons I am Glad I Don't Live in LA anymore

Sometimes I think I miss L.A.

I think about my favorite places to eat, drink, party, walk my dog...but then I think to myself, "Dude. You know what? You don't have to pretend you give a flying fuck about Nikki Finke and "Deadline Hollywood Daily" (website that everyone in Hollywood jerks it to every single day, multiple times a day). Do you know how awesome that is??

It's awesome.

Shower Scrubs are Rough!

My mom said I should use a sugar scrub. Like, straight up sugar from the kitchen. Lemme tell you something...I scrubbed too hard and that shit hurts. Go easy on yer face if you wanna try this too. All in all? It totally works tho.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

"16 and Pregnant" - Jordan

My favorite thing about this episode is how they keep talking about how they were "models" at some point, not that long ago. Really? REALLY? Hmmm. I don't think your grandma feeling bad for you because your mom dumped you on her 7 years ago and then putting your John Robert Powers/ Barbizon classes (at $1000 a pop, PER girl) on her credit card, and paying photographers that those schools force you to "shoot" with and then also paying for your trip to IMTA (soooo exclusive!) at about $2500 a pop proves that you are/ were 'models' but whatever. Clearly they have bigger problems.Jordan's boyfriend appears, at first, to not be that big of an asshole...but just look at how he treats Jordan's twin sister!! He's so effing rude to her! Jordan and her sister are basically the same person in that creepy way that twins are. So he should be a lot nicer to her. Also, he is living rent free in the grandma's house so he really needs to shut it. I also thought it was REALLY sweet of him to be a big baby on their infant, Noah's, first night home. Jordan is trying anything she can to get their baby to sleep after it keeps waking up every 15 minutes. At one point she is trying to kind of lull Noah back to sleep by rocking him and Ryan goes, "Do you know you're shaking the whole bed?" Whoa, dude. I'm SO sorry for you!! Sleep on the fucking COUCH then, you douche hat! Jesus!!

These people prove themselves to be incredibly thick skulled by listening to the baby SCREAM and SHRIEK for six. weeks. straight. Finally they decide to take Noah to the doctor. Thanks, parents. He only had severe acid reflux and was in pain for those entire six weeks of his poor little life.

Also, why can't Jordan just let her sister change the baby's diaper? What is the big deal? She makes some claim about how she has to learn to do it first (really? who doesn't know how to change a diaper or at least figure it out by diaper 2 or 3?) and hurts her sister's feelings. This family is basically useless.

Noah will probably grow up to be a boring person in a boring town surrounded by a boring family. Just like his mommy and daddy. Life is sad.

Good Luck, Noah!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Why, yes, you are right. The severely mentally and physically handicapped should CERTAINLY give back more than they do....

Ok, get THIS shit. Recently I was interviewing for a job as a Life Skills Coach at an Adult Day Center. Basically it's a day camp for adults who are, mostly, unable to care for themselves. You see, I had a foster child this Summer (long story that shall be reserved for another, oh, say 100000 posts) and it really changed something in me as well as my whole family.
So there I was thinking, "You know what matters in life? Helping those who can't help themselves, let alone speak for themselves..."
Off I went to the interview. It was pretty basic; did I have a criminal background (Um, no), what would I do if a 180lb man started to throw the adult version of a tantrum and get physically rough with me (um, try to call him down and ask for assistance????). So we finished up and then the woman who interviewed me starts telling me about all the ways her clients (which is what she calls the men and woman in the day care facility) give back to the community. They make horse biscuits and then take them to the horse refuge where they get to pet the horses and they LOVE it. They also make dog biscuits and take those to the animal shelter. I thought this sounded awesome (being a psycho animal lover myself). But when she started telling me WHY they do so much community service I nearly lost my shit. She says to me, "You know, a lot of people just think, 'Those people at that facility get SO MUCH. They get SO MUCH just handed to we really try to show the community that we give back as well."
I was fucking floored. 99% of the people in this facility cannot speak, feed themselves, dress themselves or even get around with out a wheelchair (that someone else has to push them around in) and many just sit in one chair for EIGHT HOURS a day. WHO THE FUCKING FUCK thinks that these people are getting some kind of "Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous" free ride??? It was disgusting to think about. I'd like to find these people who have that mindset and make them sit in that care center for even an hour and see if they still think that.
Every time I think, "People aren't so bad...people might be inherently good..." I hear something like this.
I have a cousin who is sitting in rehab ,that you and I have paid for with our taxes, and you know what she says to me? "I love it here!". Um, dude? That's not the point of fucking rehab. So, if these bitter ass people think that MENTALLY and PHYSICALLY handicapped people are just "given too much", I suggest they look at state run rehab facilities. That I have seen first hand and those, my friend, are a fucking joke.
Not really sure what the point of this post was...That interview conversation just pissed me the fuck off.
That is all.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Soooo...Okay bitches! I got "Let Go" (AKA: FIRED!!!!) so here I AM! My boyfriend said I should start doing this again. So maybe I just will!
Number 1: NO: I dont think I will go to Coachella. I like to think of myself as "voting with my dollars" so I can't really see spending $400 for a hotel and one or 2 days of MGMT or MUSE.
I tried to figure out how to scam Coachella by buying only one or 2 days online. But, um, this old ass can't figure it

Anyways...tell me how it is.
This post is fucking boring. I will try to step it up NEXT time. I swear!!!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Song of the Day!

I Hate Knowing This Shit About Everyone...

I've been privy to a lot of conversations lately about what happens when people have been married for a long time. Mostly these conversations have very little to do with love, loyalty and happiness. I'd say that 90% of the time they have to do with hatred, infidelity,disgust and boredom. I think the worst part of growing up is finding out that all the people you thought you knew, people you thought were "good" people who would never act 'like that", most certainly DO "act like that". Its depressing. I'm tired of watching the guy who appears to be a devoted husband get away with being a fucking cheater. I'm tired of listening to women talk about how much they hate their husbands. It's boring.
I used to think the best part of growing up was getting married and starting a family with the person who you loved and seemed like a great partner. Now? Ugh, it sounds awful and like a giant dissapointment waiting to happen. I've also noticed that a lot of the people who I went to High School with are now starting to get married and have children. I remember my peers as these really cool, outspoken, independant, subversive bitches who now have settled into these marriages with schlubby dudes who they wouldn't have thought TWICE about TALKING to in High School. What happened to us? I am still unmarried and approach the idea VERY cautiously. I feel like the minute I think it might be a good idea, my immediate next thought is, "Yeah, until you hate each other." This is sad city.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Song of the Day!

My boss kicks my ass on a daily basis (figuratively, of course) but sometimes she really makes up for the abuse by great gifts. A few weeks she sent me to the Britney Spears concert at the Staples Center. Third row, bitches!! It was the hottest shit ever!!!
Jordan Sparks was one of the opening acts and I knew NONE of her songs until she ended with NO AIR. It really is a beautiful song. I have been feeling that shit today for some reason so here you go: as if you haven't heard it a thousand times already!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

THIS Is Why I Only Want Boys. Boys Kill Me!!!!

Oh, but no red headed ones, okay? Sorry! Its just how I FEEL...

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Song of the Day!

Irene Cara

Enough With The 9yr Olds On The Goddamn Stripper Pole

Okay, here's the thing. When did our CHILDREN aspire to be / act like/ look like strippers? Fucking strippers? Women who, on the the whole, have been sexually abused and then go into "stripping" to victimize themselves over and over and over and over again each night?

That, in and of itself, is some fucking sadness and I say "great job, you shitty ass, fucking parents! GREAT job!"


Quote of The Day!

"You can't fuck a guy who works in a cubicle!"-

I cant quite remember, because to be honest, this was said a few days ago, but I think it was my boss....again.

YOU Try Being a Mother...Then come talk to me...

Okay, so there's this clip today of Kerry Katona snorting coke while her kids play downstairs or some shit. Yes, it's bad. Yes, it's awful of her to do. But can someone give this bitch a break? No, it's not right...but the bitches husband is off, God knows where, probably fucking underage whores and Kerry....well I guess she just needed a little pick me up to keep going. Look, it ain't right, but let's not be the first to throw stones at someone who is clearly on the LOW a the moment. Good job on checking the nose for remnants, but I would advise putting the shit on a higher shelf where the kids cant reach it and maybe even locking the bathroom door? Dang. Do it right, Kerry!!!