Thursday, October 14, 2010

Why, yes, you are right. The severely mentally and physically handicapped should CERTAINLY give back more than they do....

Ok, get THIS shit. Recently I was interviewing for a job as a Life Skills Coach at an Adult Day Center. Basically it's a day camp for adults who are, mostly, unable to care for themselves. You see, I had a foster child this Summer (long story that shall be reserved for another, oh, say 100000 posts) and it really changed something in me as well as my whole family.
So there I was thinking, "You know what matters in life? Helping those who can't help themselves, let alone speak for themselves..."
Off I went to the interview. It was pretty basic; did I have a criminal background (Um, no), what would I do if a 180lb man started to throw the adult version of a tantrum and get physically rough with me (um, try to call him down and ask for assistance????). So we finished up and then the woman who interviewed me starts telling me about all the ways her clients (which is what she calls the men and woman in the day care facility) give back to the community. They make horse biscuits and then take them to the horse refuge where they get to pet the horses and they LOVE it. They also make dog biscuits and take those to the animal shelter. I thought this sounded awesome (being a psycho animal lover myself). But when she started telling me WHY they do so much community service I nearly lost my shit. She says to me, "You know, a lot of people just think, 'Those people at that facility get SO MUCH. They get SO MUCH just handed to we really try to show the community that we give back as well."
I was fucking floored. 99% of the people in this facility cannot speak, feed themselves, dress themselves or even get around with out a wheelchair (that someone else has to push them around in) and many just sit in one chair for EIGHT HOURS a day. WHO THE FUCKING FUCK thinks that these people are getting some kind of "Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous" free ride??? It was disgusting to think about. I'd like to find these people who have that mindset and make them sit in that care center for even an hour and see if they still think that.
Every time I think, "People aren't so bad...people might be inherently good..." I hear something like this.
I have a cousin who is sitting in rehab ,that you and I have paid for with our taxes, and you know what she says to me? "I love it here!". Um, dude? That's not the point of fucking rehab. So, if these bitter ass people think that MENTALLY and PHYSICALLY handicapped people are just "given too much", I suggest they look at state run rehab facilities. That I have seen first hand and those, my friend, are a fucking joke.
Not really sure what the point of this post was...That interview conversation just pissed me the fuck off.
That is all.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Soooo...Okay bitches! I got "Let Go" (AKA: FIRED!!!!) so here I AM! My boyfriend said I should start doing this again. So maybe I just will!
Number 1: NO: I dont think I will go to Coachella. I like to think of myself as "voting with my dollars" so I can't really see spending $400 for a hotel and one or 2 days of MGMT or MUSE.
I tried to figure out how to scam Coachella by buying only one or 2 days online. But, um, this old ass can't figure it

Anyways...tell me how it is.
This post is fucking boring. I will try to step it up NEXT time. I swear!!!