It brings us stories like this:
(Miami, FL) This chick, Meagan McCormick (22) wanted to win back some ex-boyfriend of hers so she invented a story about a having a baby that was his. Apparently, the "fact" that he had fathered a child with her wasn't enough to get him to come around so she stepped it up a notch. She told him that "their" 5 month old son had been kidnapped. On Christmas day she went on TV in Florida and pleaded for the return of their child. The ex choked back tears as he said "I don't understand. It's Christmas." All this is well and a good enough trashtastic story. However, the BEST part of the story is Meagan's description of her missing baby. She described him as having a mohawk, a single tooth and a fake tattoo. Yes, all on a 5 month old baby. This is one bitchin baby. Also she said that she had last seen the baby when she left him with her "nanny" (ahem...hahah) named Camille, who had a french accent and a gap between her teeth.
If this bitch is convicted then she will have to pay the authorities back for the cost of their false search. Amazing. I assume there is also not much hope left in getting back her ex. What a dumb bitch.