Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Song of the Day

"Out of This World"
make sure you listen to this one on really good speakers. It seems to make the song.

Monday, November 24, 2008

IM of the Day!

17:44] EJ: dude i never get to talk about crapping.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Awesome Shows: "Model Latina"

Um, awesome show with a TERRIBLE Challenge Prize.
Some poor chick on 'Model Latina' (siTV) just won her challenge and her prize was a Gift Card to PAYLESS SHOES for ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY DOLLARS.
I mean, a LESS awful prize would have been a gift certificate to Payless for only FIFTY bucks! Then you wouldn't be walking around with a hundred bucks still left on your "gift" card that you can't get rid of cause you can't find enough decent shit at Payless to buy! Fuck, man. That is just mean.

MySpace Sluts Using Their "Fame" For Something Good

Here's Forbidden using her myspace 'fame' to bring attention to something I find worthwhile.
I guess whatever it takes, you know?
This reminds me though, it's totally time to bring back:

Friday, November 21, 2008

Who Thinks This Looks Like Me?

Fucking weird, right?
It's supposed to be Brit Brit but I think it kind of looks like my own flat pie face...Am I alone here?

Things I Cannot FUCKING Wait For!!!!

"A Double Shot At Love"!
Oh yesssssssssssss. This is going to be a skank-a-thon like no other. I mean, wtf? The "Ikki" Twins? Obvi, the Icky Twins. They are below average HomeTown Hookers. But whatever, cause you know I'll watch this shit. I think it should end with them both getting together in the end and choosing each other instead of anyone else. Up the nasty factor! Hotness. Watch all the way til the end of the trailer where the one sister pushes the other sister off of that Beautiful and classy high heel shoe chair. I've always wanted one of those gems! Then the one sister says, "Whore". It's magical.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Bridezillas are fucking Gross!

I am obsessed with this disgusting train wreck of a show, "Bridezillas" on We. First off, um, why is every chick on that show a fat slob? Not just chunky, but like a fat, slobby, mass of grossness. Second, their attitudes are so nasty and disgusting that the attitude, paired with the nasty gross fatness is just overkill. Who ARE the dudes that looked at these women and said "I want me that for the REST of my life"? WHO ARE YOU? I know that there is a level of "hamming it up for the camera" but still. I mean, one of the last chicks from tonight's marathon had WHISKERS growing out of her chin. And not just like one weird one; it was her WHOLE GD chin!!! And she was super shitty to her fiance! I don't get it. All those men need to grow some balls, call those women out on being fat cunts and walk away.
Never happens.
I need to go watch more episodes now.

Cool Stuff

These new perfumes from Gwen Stefani are so hot! There's "Love", "Angel", "Music", "Baby" and "G". I got the 2 below and they smell awsome.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Everyone's Saturday Night Should Look Like This!

Amy Winehouse, you are such my Hero, you don't even know. my 'fantasy life'. Wait, Idea. Can chick do a "Fantasy Life League" like dudes do those lame Football ones? Like, we should be able to pick 3 celebs each and track them over a few months. There should be points for DUIs, getting knocked up, getting drunk, dating a new dude, any kind of cosmetic procedure, walking the red carpet at your own event...I would loooove this game!

Song of the Day!

"You Can Do Magic"


ha ha!

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Friday, November 7, 2008

FBRN Available Baby of the Day

The very handsome, Thomas!

At 32lbs, he's a rather big boy and loooook at that face! Omg.
"Thomas is a lover, a loafer and a submissive laid-back fellow. He is happiest around people, and is perfectly content to fall asleep at your feet when watching television, reading in bed, or working at a desk."

Bitches, Don't Do It!

This is my plea to those lovely (seeming) Disney chickadees, Selena Gomez and Demi Lovato; Please don't become typical Hollywood Sluts.

As much as I enjoy the gossip blog posts about this or that Ho Bag who either got caught doing blow or giving someone a chaste handjob in a club bathroom, I feel that the younger girls of this Nation need just a few good influences. So far the worst offense that either of these 2 have committed might be one of their retarded youtube videos or the fact that Demi falls down (actually she's really eaten shit a few times) a lot during her concerts. I'm sure whichever Jonas Bro that's dating Selena or Demi (I don't remember) has gotten to cop a pretty good feel when their handlers left the room once or twice but, really, that's fine. However, let's keep it there for a while, shall we? There's all the time in the world to be a skank, but later on an out of the eyes of America's pre-teens. Please choose NOT to be "normal" cause "normal high school" behavior frightens me these days...I mean, I think about when I was in high school. Jesus! Next thing these girls know, their name is "Christine" Hansen and their drunk off their ass at a party humping the lawn furniture for a group of High School football players to enjoy.

Or their name is CF and they're pulling a train on 2 dudes up against the bathroom sink at yet another high school party. Or then their name is AD and they're getting caught (supposedly "only") dry humping BW in the back of a Ford Explorer and then you go to college and let JR jizz all over your sweater and hair...and it's all just downhill from there...
So little Bitches, stay strong and keep your Kitties covered!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Song of the Day

Kanye West
Again, I owe this post to Megan Pope who has hot taste in music for a white chick. ;)

Hot Piece of the Day!


However...I don't recommend looking for the NSFW version...He's totally pulling on his weenie to make it look longer and bigger. Then I was informed that he is like, 5'4" and I got real sad. So maybe his peen just looks big because he's so very small. But seriously, I saw him in person and he did NOT look 5'4"...but maybe was blinded by his Party Boy aura? Whatever.

IM of the Day!

Me (1:33:57 PM): I just ate some amazing vegan food

Me (1:34:09 PM): Native Foods

EJ (1:34:32 PM): oooh yum

EJ (1:34:40 PM): lupita made tuna burgers. they smelled like rotten puss

Monday, November 3, 2008

Song of the Day

The Game ft Lil Wayne
This song is so fucking hotttt! Thanks to Meg Pope for playing it for me.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Quote of the Day!

"(Tisk) Give me the baby, eh? They are gonna go fight those guys."
-Exasperated, extremely hard core cholita mom, at Santee Alley today when 2 of the middle school aged boys she had with her decided to go "fight" some other boys down the alley. Then 2 middle school aged girls wanted to run off to watch it. One of them was carrying the cholita mom's baby so that's when she said the above quote.

She also wins my "Mother of the Week" award for being such a hot chola mom with amazing values!
It was like a scene straight out of the hottest Chola Mom Movie ever:
"That's if you're down for your shit, Bitch."

Movie to Rent: "IDIOCRACY"

This movie came on the other night and Gavin was loving it. I had totally forgotten about it (I had seen it a few years ago) but its fucking hilarious. The trailer doesn't really do it justice, so instead I'll give you my favorite line,
"You talk like a fag and your shit's all retarded!"

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Song of the Day (Lame Edition)

Lovers in Japan

This song is fucking retarded. Here's the thing; I LIKE it. But can Coldplay please stray from their "ethereal-resounding-floaty-deep" shit for ONE effing song? Yeah, I kinda want to do a shimmy dance at their concert when this shit comes on, but I also want to use it to start out my (non-existent) workout at the gym or (dear God) its the kind of shit I would have listened to with my ex.
ANYWAYS, it still gets "song of the day" but not for any other good reason but that I don't really like to post 2 songs in one day. They got it by default and that's no prize.
Whatever. Here, listen:
Then listen to like Clocks or Viva La Vida for something I think is actually kinda good.